I had the open prostatectomy last thursday, 13 August. Pain on first day was about 6-7, on second, third, fourth about 9 of 10. Started to abate yesterday I had total knee replacement last july that didn't hurt as much as the RPP. Pain was so excruiciating on day two that I was barely able to get out of bed without assistance of 3 persons - thank God for pain killers!!
Surgeon said a lot of scarring in prostate probably due to so many prior biopsies.
The pressure from the catheter is very intense and I have to have it in for 14 days, this is day 6. Surgeon said all went well but we have not yet received the path report.
I may be a "sissy" or have low pain tolerance but I would have to rethink this if given another opportunity.
Couple of questions: (1) how do you deal with the constipation and pressure on the scrotal area when defecating and can since I am only sleeping about 2 hours at a time (when drugs wear off) any suggestions there.
Got to go lay down now - the Old Sailor