in another thread Jakester said:
Hi, I've just joined although I've benefited from the conversations over the last couple months after finding this site. I don't have a lot to contribute except to say that I'm also in the same boat. My 6 week, 3 month and six month post LRP psa tests were .1 and my 9 month taken this month 8/09 was .2 . My urologist/surgeon said he was "worried" and in two months wanted another psa and a bone scan (I've never had one). And if the psa does not return to .1 then he will have me consult with a radiation guy. He did reiterate, as he had with my previous psa results, that there is a possibility that benign prostate tissue at the bladder neck when he peeled the prostate off ant that could be causing the psa. My GP (I had my annual physical a few days ago) said not to worry because "it is just 1 observation" and I should just cool my jets for a couple months. I've also joined the Yana website. Terry Herbert wondered if the psa rise could be linked to the fact that I broke all my ankle bones two months ago. I believe Terry's point was that psa results at this level can be influenced by other factors. We are all different I guess but I'm thinking I'll wait the two months and try not to think about it (easy to say).
Diagnosed 8/2008 Pre-op psa 4.2
7 of 12 biopsies postitive 3+3
DaVinci LRP 11/08
Post Op pathology clear margins, confined to prostate, absent extraprostatic extension, vascular or perineural. Gleason 3+4=7, 5-10% of 4 and
location in right mid-gland.
3 month psa .1 2/09, 6 month .1 5/09, 9 month .2 8/09