Hi there, very pleased to find such a well educated group of people.
I have been reading for a few days before deciding to post.
Well today my father came back from the urologist after performing an ultrasound that has shown a mass in one lobe. Theres not much info accompanying the report, father was just told to undergo biopsy next week.
His PSA kept rising suddenly since last month from 5.1 to 5.7 in one month and within one week to 6.1
Percent Free PSA was 12% when PSA was 5.7.
His age is 59. He has not had any health problems apart from irritable bowel syndrome and doesnt smoke,drink or do anything apart from work really. His job is very stressful. My grandfather also had some problem with prostate not sure however what but he had radical prostatectomy. That was 35 some years ago. He eventually died of something else some 6-7 years later (amyloidosis was the disease that hit him)
Question: Is it typical to find a mass in the prostate gland under ultrasound?? What is the possibility that this mass could be malignant or something else?? I am asking because from the info i have been reading here there is not much about
ultrasound of prostate and findings. Most people seem to go from PSA/free PSA and DRE to biopsy.
DRE was also negative, doctor said prostate was very smooth and soft
Size of mass if not mistaken (i see some D1 and D2 readings on the ultrasound film that are saying 10.9 mm and 13.5 mm)
Post Edited (Solon) : 9/18/2009 5:15:25 PM (GMT-6)