In some degree (not all) it almost does not matter to which institution or wonderful facility you might go to, their are set protocols and methods/agendas that hospitals follow and push unto the public as 'your only' choice(s) you have. They make no profits trying to sell or inform you that anything other than what they sell/push is any good for you or could be of any value or assistance in your disease (goes for all types of disease issues). Plus they have about
zero incentive to go outside their (box), perhaps because if something goes bad, a lawsuit would be their reward, it is a profit center and not the house of Mother Theresa (lol). Getting a large sample of multiple opinions will help confirm this, if you are a total disbeliever.
You know you have a very honest doc when they inform you that they don't have all the answers, admits they don't know your outcome or what is actually best for you. It is obviously a different venue when docs have PCa or their close family members, they many times do not push or do the same treatments they sell or do, unto their family or themselves. This is mentioned by Dr. Strum about this phenomena and e.g. Dr. F. Lee (PCa specialists and struck with this disease also) did not do 'normal' treatments or the one he founded (cryo-therapy). Their are many other examples of such. Why does this happen????
The drug companies would love to see you on their expensive drugs until you drop, i.e. it is all about the money and their wallet health, more so than your health. The profits on our drugs is disgusting and amounts to cashin on us patients. The multiple treatments that are handed out to some patients come with no guarantees and are more of a crapshoot, they can mislead patients into hearing their magic words 'cure', along discussions. Realize this is not fact but at best wishful thinking, probably something you or I would like to consider doing, in spite of the real facts cause it is a chance you might wish to take on life. Analyze before you jump into any decision on your own case, get other opinions, feedback, ideas from any source and add it to your 'knowledge-factual' base, then consider what you wish to do or risk. Get informed about all possible side effects and risks, sometimes total disclosure of such is lacking, upfront from the 'vendor' and is another sad reality of the PCa jungle.
There are some people herein that have to come to realize the reality of this jungle little later, after the fact so to speak and probably noticed their original perspective and current perspective on this is not identical. The black and white of it shows its true colors as multiple shades of grey or something different. So, where you originally over sold, had total disclosure, given all possible facts and risks and side effects you could encounter? To the newly diagnosed...hope you listened enough to keep your ears open when you get your opinion(s), listen up for over zealous docs and the word 'cure' that is a clue of over selling, the words possible cure, or maybe a cure is the more proper and honest verbage that should be mentioned, or even the frankness of in your particular case cure is highly unlikely or even not possible or not seen in my clinical experience etc. (not many docs mention this does not make for a sale/treatment i.e. unprofittable words). You can disagree of course, not every case is identical but the generality of this jungle is along these lines.