I'm hoping you gentlemen can help my father. He had a prostatectomy at age 65. All seemed well until three months after the surgery. He then developed a chronic pain problem. He said there was no precipitating incident that would have caused the pain. He is now 81 and still has the chronic pain. It's at its worst when he is sitting or standing. He can only sit or stand for 30 minutes before he needs to go lie down. Only lying down is comfortable for him. Obviously, this has severely hindered his activity level.
He was healthy and quite active before surgery. The cancer was small and doctors say it's all gone.
He has been to urologists, neurologists, pain specialists, and even the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale. Lots of tests, but no diagnosis for what's causing the pain, no treatments that have been effective.
It hurts me to see him in chronic pain and so inactive. He reports no other health problems.
All I can find on the internet is information about pain immediately after prostate surgery, not chronic pain long afterwards. Has anyone else experienced this? Do y'all have any clues as to what could be causing this, or how it could be solved or at least ameliorated?
Any leads would be greatly appreciated.