First of all, I wish to thank all of you for taking the time to respond to my Bad News post. I appreciate it very much. You all correctly read the panic in my post. Frankly, I have been in a somewhat stressful state since the original PSA result from my August physical. I'm sure this is normal.
However, almost all of you responded to my fear of the biopsy. While true to a degree, I had actually agreed to have it done the usual way (ie: no sedation). At first I wanted the sedation, but the urologist indicated that the shot of lidocaine should be enough, coupled with the fact that it is a 5-10 minute procedure. However, when they connected me to scheduling, they had appointments for 12/18 or could overbook on 12/11 OR, IF I wanted to go the sedation route, the OR was available on 11/30. So, I chose sedation because it was the earliest available time slot. Period.
What has now made me panic was the extreme score of the PCA-3. The cutoff point is 35 and I hit 75.9. In the back of my mind, given my PSA numbers, I'm thinking that even if it is PC it is probably somewhat indolent or at least amenable to surgical treatment. In other words, the PSA numbers certainly didn't indicate an aggressive cancer. I realize that nothing is set in stone, but that was my thinking. But now that recent figure has really upset that apple cart! This has me greatly distressed. Of course logic tells me there is nothing I can do until the biopsy results come in.
Actually, and this is for Sonny, I did talk to Arleta and we are all set for me to convey the biopsy results to her if it does show PC. So, some things are in motion, as much as I could reasonably do. (For you other folks, Arleta works with Dr. Menon, who would probably be my choice if I had PC and surgery was an option).