I'm 14 years younger than you, but I can give you a case history based on my grandfather (who did not have PC, or at least was never diagnosed as having PC) in the later years of the last century.
He used to get up to use the bathroom about twice a night during his '70's; 2-3 times a night in his 80's; and probably 3 times a night in his 90's (he died at age 96). He began to experience minor-moderate incontinence at night in his very late '80's and in his '90's. He wouldn't see a doctor, but at my suggestion he started religiously emptying his bladder right before going to bed, reduced his fluid intake for several hours before bed, and slept on a waterproof pad which was machine washable to protect the mattress.
As for getting back to sleep, he would lie quietly for 10 - 15 minutes, but if that didn't work he would read whenever he couldn't sleep. He told me that he felt like he didn't need as much sleep as he had earlier in his life and that overall he got enough sleep between the several hours of sleep per night plus an hour long nap during the afternoon. He said the nap really made a difference.
As for what's "normal," I don't really know. I suspect that like so many things, everyone is different.