Nothing has to be taken off the table with surgery, still done many times on uncureable patients. Generally (surgery) (PCa)if found in lympnodes which should have been sampled during surgery, and quickly analyzed, prior to gland removal, ..I have heard a surgeon say he
did not sample them on lower Gleasons patients (6-7's), then if found the patient can be given the option to finish the surgery even if PCa had spread...for the reason of "
debulking" your overall
tumor burden (in other words get rid of alot but not all your PCa) or sew you back up with gland intact and suggest
hormone therapy, radiations, cryo, hifu, and other options for possible control.
No guarantees on cured PCa at any level (per se), not trying to scare anyone, but the truth of the matter is usually not frankly given to patients and can be highly sugar coated. Failure rate is mentioned by Dr. Barken and others (long term 5-10 yrs.+) likely 25-30% or higher. Same can be said for other treatments or worse, alot of worse stats patients don't even go surgery or some
docs will tell them 'you are not a reasonable candiated for successful surgery'. So the non-cured rate in radiation might and probably does look worse, but it also has a much worse
patient base of high risk folks within it, which would skew a direct comparison.
With low stats and indolent PCa levels likely a patient could be cured or do fabulously well (there is maybe 70-75% cure rate with surgery overall, and likely much better numbers on the low or indolent presentations of PCa-90%-???). Not sugar coating anything, we take risks in treating and making decisions on PCa. Alot of imprecise data given to come up with imperfect Partin tables and
nomograms, which are also an averages type basis thing...some higher and some lower. Missed biopsies possible, you can have multiple
gleason scores within your gland(I have 3 different-7,8,9's) very possible to miss a higher one or others, you can have 12-14 variant types of PCa not easily identifiable even by experts, they don't all respond the same or play on a level field either. Thus it is a Jungle, sadly we get to try an navigate within it, even with all the impreciseness.
Not mentioning this to discourage any treatment or ones choices, but to
open the curtains and make awareness of the whole situation, so when a possible doc guarantees a cure or such, then perhaps you can further your questions and find out what types of answers and frankness you are getting, which may indicate what type of person you are dealing with and overall truthfulness is in the situation. The other option is not to care what is said to you and hope all is good, which is a choice and taken by enough people on any treatment type. Only you the patient has to walk the walk, live with whatever side effects and issues thereafter, alot of things are not told straight up or mentioned, alot of times it is what is not said that is telling information, too. Anyway brother Compiler, don't rush into this and realize that PCa can take along time to get to where it is discovered in patients, you have time to analyze, study, compare, get opinions and postphone instant treatments in most cases....although how many docs will tell you that straight up???? Many are more than anxious to sign you up even on the spot, how do I know?.....get 8 opinions and see what you learn about the process end of it.Post Edited (zufus) : 11/29/2009 5:46:11 AM (GMT-7)