Hi Guys,
I just wanted to share the good news. I received the results fof my second PSA since surgery and it has remained at <0.1...YAHOO!!!
My visit with the Urologist went well because I got a lot of my questions answered. I though I would share our discussion.
1. I asked him when he thought the incontinence would stop and he told me that when I visit with him in April I should be almost dry. Currently I use 3 pads during the day and one at night which is half of what I was using when I visited in October.
2. I aksed what he thought of me using the penis clamp and he recommended aganist it becaus he felt I would become dependent on it and my nerves and muscels might not start doing what they are supposed to do or it would delat my progress. I asked about using it on occasion i.e visiting a client or going to the store; he said that would be fine for short term solutions. He said to get a wide rubber band and us that in stead of a clamp. Just don't forget to remove it. (use paper towel under the rubber band; DON'T MAKE IT TOO TIGHT.
3. Regarding artificial sphincter or the sling, he told me that based on my progress thus far I won't need either.
4. Regarding ED, he wants the incontinence under control first then we'll work on the ED. Full erection is still 12 months away at best. He'll start ED meds in April, if I'm dry. He said in the mean time to master*ate regularly to keep the nerves in shape.
Well that was my visit yesterday. I guess that's progress . I just wish it would move faster .