Early this morning, two weeks out from
open prostatectomy, I drove my oversized scrotum fifty miles to have my catheter removed. Twenty-five mintues past appointment time, a young nurse ushered me into a treatment room. She told me to disrobe from the waist down.
As I sat on the examining table, she said she was going to fill my bladder with water and then remove the catheter. She began filling my bladder with a large syringe and she kept asking if it was hurting. I said you're sure giving me a sense of urgency. She then moved to the 2nd port of the catheter and used a small syringe to remove the water that was inflating the catheter ball within my bladder. She told me to breathe deeply, and she yanked that sucker out. I felt one nanosecond of #7 pain, and it was over. She then asked me to urinate in the plastic urinal she provided. I was standing there, and nothing was happening...no drips, dribbles, nothing. She asked if she should leave the room, and I said.......well.....I've only had bashful bladder since the age of 12, so it might be a good idea. After she left the room, I was able to urinate quite well into the plastic urinal. She returned in two minutes and was impressed.
Unfortunately, my Urologist was in surgery, so I didn't have anybody but another nurse look at my swollen scrotum. She felt it resolve itself with time. The nurse offered me a pair of absorbent briefs, but I had brought a few male guards with me. I wasn't leaking at all when I attached the guard to my briefs, and I didn't feel any need to urinate on the fifty mile drive home.
When I returned home, I found myself spraying to some degree when urinating. I also realized that when I felt like it was time to go, IT WAS time to go. I was getting a slight bit of stress incontinence if I tried to pass gas. Right now, I'm sitting here without a pad.
After being home for a couple of hours, I decided to take a hot shower, and decided to see if I could stimulate myself with a soapy hand. I was quite surprised to see I could achieve a 50% stiffy with little effort. I kept thinking about that, so an hour later decided to "take matters to hand" and see what kind of outcome I could achieve. Within two minutes, I had achieved orgasm. Now this orgasm wasn't like orgasms I had experienced prior to surgery.......maybe only 10% , but all in all, it was an orgasm. I'm happier than hell! Two weeks out from surgery with an oversized scrotum, and I'm almost dry and able to orgasm. I'll be having a few beers tonight. I'm so thankful for the skill of my surgeon and bilateral nerve sparing. As with others, my penis appears to be shorter than prior to surgery, but I hope to see improvements in that area.....Rick