Today I spend a couple of hours on this site, checking many, many signature, to see what your post surgery Gleason numbers were.
Am I the ONLY one with a path. report that says:
"GLEASON cannot be detected because of the hormone treatment" I had Casodex and Lupron 60 days before surgery.
Why can they NOT detect it and tell me the numbers?
Pre-op was 4+4=8. Post op. ?????
Could this be a 'sloppy' path. report?
Would I be out of line to ask to have another one done ? How long do they keep these anyway?
The reason why I'm SO concerned is that based on my path. report, I recently had another Lupron shot (90 day) and I'm to start radiation soon. What if the other info is not accurate or not with complete information?
Also, I wont have the post-op. PSA for another 3 weeks.
My surgery doc. is amongst the best in Canada but everyone on this board seems to have a Gleason score but me. (almost feel lonely) LOL!