When I first got the diagnosis, and a Gleason 9, I was pretty bummed. I still figure it is probably a matter of time, but on April 14th, 2009, I had a dance with Ms. DaVinci. She was so smooth, I hardly noticed she took my prostate during the dance. She was so gentle.
Today, 1 year and 1 day later, I got my PSA which was a .01. Really wanted a < in front of it, but at those levels, I suppose lots of things could make it show something.
So to you guys out there with G 7, G 8 or G 9, it is possible to beat this thing for a while.
I don't take anything for granted, and take each day as a gift.
On this my D-day, I wish all the best to all of my PC brothers as we fight this monster.