Aspen: I have always stayed at The Rotary House when i've been down there. I don't know if you've stayed there or not but it is so convenient I've never really considered anywhere else.
Speaking of the balloon, when I had my 38 SRT treatments I had the balloon insereted every treatment, there are a few of us here that had it done with normal radiation but the balloon is mostly known by the proton treatment. I believe everyone who receives porton treatment has the balloon insereted. The theroy is pretty simple, the baloon stabilizes the area to be radiated and pushes the rectum away from it. The place that I had my SRT done said it was a take it or leave it deal meaning if I didn't want the balloon then I'd need to find another place to get the SRT, they believed in it so much. It seemed to make sense to me so i went with it. I'll tell you right now there were some sessions towardw the end that were a little tough to handle but overall it went well and I believe that the balloon may help out down the road. Most isssues with SRT don't rear their ugly head for three to four years.
Good luck