Worried Guy said...
There simply is not enough info to draw any conclusions except the conclusion that anyone can grab any headline they like.
Goes in the delete file.
So did costs double? Did they triple? I really is hard to compare...we'll have to leave that calcualtion to others. The rest of us are left to the obvious reality (in Mel's words, "intuitively obvious to the casual observer), that costs of health care (in the widest scope), and costs of treating cancer (scope of the article), and costs of treating prostate cancer (scope that we are all intimiate with) have skyrocketed out of control.
Jeff, not meaning to put words in your mouth, but I think you also understand this statement (about skyrocketing costs) when you wrote today (in another thread, less than 2 hours after your posting above): "It would be interesting to see how much you were charged for the baby aspirin, Pepcid and rejected BP meds. I'll bet we would be shocked." I took that to mean that you felt that health care costs were out of control.
So, maybe we've all got some question about the details of this article, but the big picture of what it's saying is already well understood and acknowledged.
Bottom line: things need to change...
I don't personally think this belongs in the "delete file" because that would be ignoring the elephant in the room. This is a time for leadership to stand up against the drug companies and others who are reaping the skyrocketing profits while constraining the true benefits to those who are sick.