The magic number is now 0.02.
It was 0.01 3 1/2 months ago.
OK, this was not as good as I was hoping for, but much better than I feared. So, I am still well into that ZERO CLUB. Yippee. In fact, it is a 3-month reprieve. I can now exhale (see my new post on PSA Anxiety!)
But I do have a question. I know one of the important measures is PSADT. Mine is obviously 3.5 months. But with such relatively low numbers, is that even a valid measurement?
Also, another measure in deciding further tx. is 3 increases. But, if I went from .01 to .02 to say .03 to .04, would that even be considered 3 increases?
I know some will just say quit worrying, period. That is the best advice and I'm sure I will as life goes on and, as I said, I got a 3-month reprieve. But, having seen the results of others who have to do the srt, I have a feeling my PSA is in an all-too-familiar pattern.
Enough. Hoist a glass and renew my membership!