As most have said, most likely it wll never go away.
But you most likely hit the nail on the head yourself. If you sit around and dwell on it, it will be much worse. I think keeping busy is an important part of dealing with many of the issues of old age. I think you have said how much you enjoy your job, and how it takes your mind off of your worries. Work, hobbies, vacations, etc. are one the keys from my view point of handling these things.
I think it also helps to somehow deal with our mortality, so that when it becomes closer, we aren't so shocked by the possibility. We are most likely all going to die one of these days, be it 5, 10, or 20 years from now. So be it.
I guess for me, while I am still a little anxious every three months, I guess I feel as tho I am less anxious than if I thought I was going to live forever and if I'm just killing time playing cross word puzzles waiting for my next PSA. Heck, I have to make a hole in my schedule to get the blood drawn.
I think your results are looking good, certainly much better than other guys we see on here.