Well I made an appointment with a Prostate Medical Oncologist for July 8th the office called today and said they will do any necessary tests and another PSA at the appointment. I met this Doctor when I first went to the Lynn Cancer Center here in Fl and had a long discussion on HT treatments he seem to feel the same way I did about not starting early but will see what he says now that my doubling time is so short. I feel better just knowing I will finally be seeing a medical oncologist who specializes in Prostate Cancer. As least maybe I will get the straight story good or bad.
One of my biggest concerns is whenever I read anything about Gleason 8 they always talk Stage 3, I was a stage 2 at the time of my operation no traces of spread so does that make a difference? Stage 2 Prostate cancer seems to have a better outlook long term but then its still a Gleason 8 cannot find any details on stage 2 gleason 8. Maybe this new doctor will have some answers.