I am coming up on seven months post robotic RP. My incontinance remains at the level it was about 2 weeks post op. That being 90-95 dry at night and close to that sitting. Walking around still about 0, it all leaks out. During my two post op follow-ups my doc mentioned an AUS. I am beginning to consider this. I have tried Imipram and done 6 weeks, so far, of PT with stim and biofeed back. Nothing has helped.
I have been reading posts on this proceedure but I still have some questions. I would like to hold out hope, at least, that sometime, maybe a few years later I might be able regain enought natural control and no longer need the device. Does having this device weaken the natural sphincter so that it will never function again? Can it be deactivated an left in place for a long period of time if my natural sphincter makes a come back or would it need to be removed. How about bicycle riding ( mine has the tiny skinny seat) , will having the pump in the scrotum be a problem? How about having one testicle removed?
It looks like the odds of this working and being able to stay in place are about the same as my odds were to regain continance after the RP, that part hasn't worked so well and I don't feel that lucky, I may have used all that up already. I hate the idea of this but I think I hate the incontinance more.