I like Donna Pogliano's words on the front of Dr. Strum's book- after her name- Partner of a Warrior in the Battle Against Prostate Cancer. If you are the uncured scenario, it is surely war if fighting this, all the protocols, agendas, drugs, profits made off of patients. After a while with enough psa tests in your arms, and blood tests and other tests....you been poked, prodded, handled, and given an emotional roller coaster that doesn't stop not only violated with the DRE (LOL) but financially even with insurance, throw in doseages of arrogant docs and highly profittable protocols, gee this is all for me! I love it, and when do we get tied to the rack, stake or shown the iron maiden. It's a great gig sweet heart. Ok, I overstated it 1% (LOL)
Robert Young coined PCa as the Jungle about
8 yrs. ago (I think he knoweth the beast)
his website is/was