I saw our new member posting to an old thread, and brought him up top so we can meet him:
This is from Ray1942, welcome aboard, friend
I had prostrate surgery 4 weeks ago and still have discomfort while urinating. Thanks to this site I am not alone and that it will go away soon I hope. Did have robotic and was home the next day and never took a pain pill other than Ibuprofen (800 mg). They work very well. Was given a large prescription so assume it was to last for several weeks. Absulutly no pain when I get up several times duing the nite. Seems to be only when active. Am very fortunate that I only use 2 pads a day and nothing at nite.Had leakage before surgery so guess I was partially trained. Go back to Doc in 2 weeks and may have to have some radiation. My lymph nodes were clean, but might of had some microscopic invasion into the blood stream. Did have nerve sparing surgery even though i suffer from slight ED. Time will tell on that but all in all life is good