I thought I would bring the previous post to the top.
I had my follow-up with my urologist yesterday. In a nutshell, he thinks I have a cancer recurrence underway. We also talked at length about what I believe is conflicting information between my original biopsy and my post-op pathology. Specifically:
(1) My biopsy indicated a gleason score of 7. My post-op pathology downgraded that to a gleason 6.
(2) My post-op pathology identified extra-capsular extension and a focal margin, yet the staging indicated pT2cpN0 when I believe it should have indicated pT3a. (My Uro agrees on this point.)
Because of these "dissagreements", I told my doc that I don't know what to believe. Do I have an aggressive cancer? What is my "real" gleason" score? What is my real staging? I tried to express to him that I thought a post-op pathology was supposed to be definitive but in my case it just raised more uncertainty.
So my Uro suggested we do the Myriad-Prolaris test. He feels that it might serve to give us more information about the specific cancer I have and how aggressive it might be. I should have the results within a couple of weeks.
Has anyone else here had this test and did you find the information useful?