Jeff Corvette I am using the standard Augusta pump. No automotive suction, no shop vac, no vacuum accessory tester.
Clocknut: The thought of blood coming from up the line is a bit disconcerting. I am incontinent, so when I pump, I pee. You don't think...I am afraid to say this... I am pulling on my kidneys do you? Now that you mention it, the physics of hydraulics tells me it is possible. There is no blow off or bypass valve. It would really "piss me off" if I was doing damage to my already leaky sphincter. Maybe I should put a cork in it.
Steve: The light bleeding stops when I do. I hate to go to a doc for that.
So far, am I the only one with this issue? Do any other incontinent guys use a VED?
WAIT!!! I think I can measure it! If I pump a little, put on a condom, and then pump. Assuming the condom is sealed tight against my skin at the base, any leakage would appear in the condom. If it inflates, I am sucking my kidneys dry. If it fills as intended I am filling my pen*s as nature (sort of) intended.