I'm a Gleason 8 with no positive margins but I also received a lupron injection before my surgery because I was considering RT as my primary therapy and then decided on surgery. I remember my surgeon specifically saying to me that the prostate was very sticky because of the lupron and was hard to remove. I mention this because I'm banking on that being my reoccurence reason. A small piece left in the prostate bed area hopefully.
I also had what is known as"full pelvic" SRT, they target the seminal vessels along with the prostate bed. As you can probably tell I'm in the "lets throw the kitchen sink at it" group. I just don't believe you want to sit around and let any cancer grow if there are any options. I'm also 18 months into 24 months of lupron before, during, and after SRT. I'm going to kill the cancer plain and simple.