A friend of mine had two of his young dogs die at less than one year old, a few years ago like 2007 and they died about
the same time frame...suspected the dog food, but no proof.
You can google various weblinked stories regarding such, probably is truth to this being one of the causes of our dogs demises:
We also know that China has bad (unsafe) dry wall (known) and bad policies of lead in paints on childrens toys(very unsafe)... they are suspect on probably most anything made, sold, distributed. Who's the watchdog for international sales, do they have an agency checking such things? Just look at the foods they consider safe to eat and how they are handled, clue. So, consider this food for thought and maybe find out where your dog food exactly came from. I am sure dogs and animals are influenced by a number of enviromental and human processed foods, which we sometimes give them.
The recent phenomena of the dying birds in different areas and different species now, and the dying of certain fish in Louisiana. The firecrackers theory does not pass the smell test, I just wonder if the Government will give us the real truth. I hope an independent type inspects these phenomena and reveals it all. Hey it could be done by???? You can fill in the blank. Time may tell the why and how of these phenomena. Right now it is baffling.