Thank all of you for your kind words and thoughts. I must say that this is an incredibly painful experience. I had thought that the death of my wife would be similar to my parents, or my brother. I can tell you that it is an order of magnitude worse. My sorrow is intense.
It is my good fortune to have quality people and organizations in my life. My chief pilot took another pilot off the schedule to organize things and be available to me full time. My daughter's boss flew an employee in from out of town to be with her and help out around the house. He is catering our celebration of Jan's life on Saturday. Friends are feeding us through next Wednesday and longer if we wish. I am completely off the flying schedule and have been since she was hospitalized on the third of January.
According to young Will, Nana was his 'best girl'. Mine too. She had an incredible capacity for love. Her joy in life was doing things for others. Especially for me and Will. She was the finest person I have ever known. I am sick in my heart.