I'm currently in week 20+- out of 33 sessions. 66 Gy.
If I can read his handwriting from the other day....:
1 Gray = 100 rads
1c gy = 1 rad
200CGy/ X 33
6600 cGy
= 66 Gy.
As to my experience to date,
No pain, short time from in to out, everyone helpful and nice, respectful.
I did notice some slight soreness in the rectal area the other day, but that has subsided - while that could be expected, i'm note sure if it is absolutely related - it may be because of slight change in bowel movements, and an increased urge to pee.
I understand that each of these are/were potential results.. I am told the urgency may very well go away - again - as time passes.
While even those few minutes of hearing the rad shoot into you are disturbing to the mind, there is also the feeling that you are doing it for the right reason.. that killing the bad guys is worth injuring some of your own soldiers, who are better capable of healing than the cancer cells.
One thing that has been mentioned to me matter of factly is, come with your bladder full. They simply didn't mention it to me until 2-3 sessions in, and then as an aside. I guess it helps drop your bladder down via the gravity, keeping it further away from the rad.
The mentioned again yesterday "they DID tell you to fill your bladder?"..
If that is important, it should be treated accordingly by the ead onc team, I think. It should be mandatory discussion AND there should be a fountain in the waiting room.
Sorry if I went off base in replying here.
Good luck and thought to ALL.