Been thinking a lot about
that fact recently. It only took 21 months from the time of my
open Surgery, to BCR, then SRT, then its failure. It's hard to be optimistic at this point for me. Those curative cards are one way trips as we all know. There must be a lot more to this notion of PC types/strands/variants. On paper, I am a Gleason 7, and T2C. But from my curative failures so fast, there has to be something else going on here. There are guys with my number that never have BCR, let alone go through SRT and have it fail so fast. Makes me wonder what else I could have done, but then realistically, I did what was advised at the time.
We have guys right here, with T3 staging, and/or Gleason 8/9's, that have done so much better than my situation. My long time theory is being a advocate of the "Rapid PSA Velocity in the year before dx" is very darning, some reports indicated that you can have 5 to 10 times the odds of dying from PC, regardless of treatment. It's hard for me to think this isn't true, in my case.
I wonder if it is some aggresive variant at work, and if so, what good would it do to know that at this point?
Not a pity party, it is what it is, in the bigger picture of my life, I understand what all this means. Just trying to get a handle on this new stage I am at. I don't like any of the choices or advice at this point, I am convinced (self-convinced, I admit), that HT would be another failed attempt at the price of even more bad side effects and quality of life issues, and all in vain. What reason would I have to believe that HT could do anything but possibly slow down things a bit? I have not read anything so far that would be real convincing to the contrary.
I have tried to think outside the box, and come up empty handed. Still seeking a good medical oncologist, but what is he/she going to offer other than what has been talked about here and discussed a hundred times.
We tell everyone to move on with their lives, and every day is a blessing, etc, and to get PC out of your mind, but how does one do that, when nothing has worked thus far, and everything I have tried has come with a horrible host of side effects, pain and suffering?
David in SC