My husband was diagnosed in April 2011 with prostate cancer, after a rising psa of 7.5 in January to a 10.4 in March. He had 10 of 12 cores positive (25%-89%), 5 cores with PNI and a gleason 7. Most recent MRI showed cancer had escaped capsule and possibly in seminal vesicles. He has had to put off this treatment due to medical issues where he needed a colonoscopy and endoscopy performed first. Colonoscopy was okay(cut out 14 polyps) and endoscopy showed a nodule, so he was sent for further testing and ultrasound. Just got results yesterday from UNC that he has a GIST gastrointestinal stromal tumor. He meets with GI surgeon next week but they are saying he may have to have this surgery first. How long is it safe to keep putting off this treatment based on his findings for pca thus far?
He is supposed to get gold seed markers on 8/22/11 and simulation radiation 8/30/11 with the 45 IMRT sessions to begin in early Sept.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much.