I have been waiting right at a month for my 2nd opinion biopsy pathology report. The slides were supposed to have been forwarded to Bostwick Labs by Labcorp on 11-22. For some reason, it was determined that LabCorp never received the original fax from the uro's office to send them. This was learned after many frustrating calls. LabCorp finally got the followup fax from the dr's office and the slides arrived at Bostwick on 12-19.
I must say Bostwick has been very responsive to my questions, and confirmed receiving it, and advised they would try to speed things up considering my wait time. I got an email from the tonight stating:
"".....let you know that the pathologist ordered additional stains on your slides so the case is still under review. "
Does this mean that this is a good thing ? I'm not sure how to interpret these results. Do they have to request the stains from LabCorp again ?
My treatment is largely dependant on the findings of this 2nd opinion biopsy results. Is it wrong to think maybe they are having difficulty duplicating the gleason 7 (3+4) from the original sample (2 of out 16 positive). I was hoping that the Gleason score would be downgraded, or perhaps even say its High Grade Pin ????
Any suggestions ?