I was told about
short term and long term side effects before my SRT.
Amd a UK Cancer charity has a good explanation here about
what to expect:
cancerhelp.cancerresearchuk.org/type/prostate-cancer/treatment/radiotherapy/side-effects-of-prostate-cancer-radiotherapyMy docs have not washed their hands of me. Since starting SRT I see uro and RT doc alternately.
It was only when I complained of having cold legs/feet that they said they didnl;t think that was due to SRT.
I reckon my two teams are fully aware of what is likely to go wrong or they wouldn't be including questions in their surveys about
ED and bladder and bowel incontinence.
Also the whole way RT is delivered has been changing over time to reduce impact of rays on healthy tissue (ie they have evidence that RT is damaging healthy tissue and are trying to do something about
it) I'v eread something about
a procedure that inflates a balloon inside you during RT for PCa to move the bowel away from the target area as "damage to the bwoel and anus is a known problem"
RT used to be delivered in one ray, then from three positions so healthy tissue only received a third of the dose, then five positions etc. I had mine from 7 positions, the latest machines deliver a little dose all round 360 degrees, whiuch reaelly minimises how much goes through healty tissue. As the means of delivery has imporved it may thus be hard to compare patients's SE accurately.
And people's bodies clearly react very differently to what is done to them.
My brother-in-law only had RT and I was surprised he had ED and strange bowels straight away, on the other hand he was never tired and had no bladder trouble.
My bowels are definitely weird. I almost feel like I need to go the whole time. Sometimes it feels like having diarhoea and constipation at the same time. Often going 4 times a day, so also using plenty of paper, especially as one of the biggest problems I have is that the last bit of matter doesn't seem to come out properly.
Going for a walk often seems to set my bowels off too, which makes it even harder to take enough exercise now. And while peeing behind a tree is odften fine, I'm not yet ready to impersonate a bear.
Farts can absolutely not be trusted, I'm getting fed up going to bathroom just to fart.
My bladder leakage has been getting worse of late. Wet patches on trousers/pants again for the first time since I tried going pad free after surgery.
And while pads to deal with leaking pee are one thing, I am not keen to deal with faecal leakage (and glad to have learnt that term - now I just have to work out what it's called in Dutch! I think it's "faecale incontinetie" or "ontlastingverlies". "Broekpoepen" is a bit vulgar.)
142, interested to hear you are still tired. I was beginning to think I was imagining I was still tired due to SRT given I finished my SRT in June 2010. (The RT doc said I would feel tired for at least a year, which was in itself a lot longer than I had read about
I have been going to the bathroom to pee or S**t so oftgen I was talking to my wife the other day about
how much water I am using to flush even though we have dual flush cisterns that don't always have to use a lot of water.
Also I reckon that if you add it all up I must now be spending over an hour a day in the bathroom peeing, sh**ting and farting and wiping/washing myself.
So. Noty happy. I defintely feel I have SEs to deal with and plenty to tell docs about
at next appointment.