Well it's been a while since my last post, but I would say that is also a good thing. After returning to work 6 weeks after surgery recovery as well as work duties sped up. I think going back to work helped get me back into a routine and not think about PCa as much, although always remembering my journey in the back of my mind. Also after returning to work I learned of two fellow co-workers who started their own journey with PCa. They both asked me questions about my experiences and I was more then willing to share all to help I could offer to alleviate their axiousness. Something I learned is to be as open as I can discussing PCa and help as many others understand the importance of diagnoses and treatments available.
When I reached my 12th week Post-OP my continence was about 99%, the only time I experienced a little drop or spurt was after an unexpected sneeze or sitting on the ground and getting up too fast. So I decided the only way to put my sphincter to the test and gain confidence was to not use any pads at any time. All has gone well since and now into my 4th month Post-OP I can say I'm at 99.9% continent, even after a night out playing poker or a football party and 3 or so beers. Urine stream has also increased to the same or larger than before surgery with more force. I feel at times I can blast the porcelain off the back of the toilet!
Next week I go in for my 4 month Post-OP follow-up, PSA, and Urine tests. I'm hoping to join the Zero Club and will post back with the results.