Barry, This is really off topic, but since we have both been here for 5 years, I am sure you won't mind! We should now really be called 'creed_four' as last October adopted a cross-eyed, large-breed dog and named her Mia-Maria. She is what CJ really needed! He has always had a dog. Her sense of sight is a little dodgy with the significant cross-eyes (genetic which is why she was up for adoption!), but she has a fabulous sense of smell which compensates, and excellent hearing. We lost two senior dogs in the last 2 years (11 years and 16 years respectively) so young Mia has breathed life into our house again. Our son has had 2 great losses with his dogs both dying of old age, but now is happy again with his new dog who has settled right in.
While you have been away getting hips fixed, TC (Tony) BELOW this post, depending on how your screen is configured (ha ha) is still making jokes about 'stepping' on us down under! (even after 5 years - bless him!), although his (Tony's) spelling still has not improved, and he still leaves the 'u' out of honourable... so that's my rant on your thread for the year!
It is also a way of bumping your post up again, as it is important for new readers to have good news of survivorship! I always liked your stage name too.
cheers again