On the 5th, in another thread, he posted for the first time, and looks like we missed it. So here's your own thread of welcome, sorry you got overlooked, but last week was a heavy one for the Forum. In his post, he said:
I am a new member with an old problem.I first want to thank Houtex for giving me a lead to pursue,the Conn's Syndrome,I think it may be my problem.Six years out I am still incontinent,(one pad a day mild leakage),and have total E.D. Had Da vinci surgery with 12% involment at 47 years old.Couldn't salvage left side nerve bundle and was not for-warned of this possibility.I would NOT have had procedure had I known this but the Dr. wasn't about to stop and ask my wife if he should continue because he just LOVED to play with his machine.He said at 47 I would recover completely and did not tell me about the possibility of nerve invlovement.Being the pre-imminent east coast surgeon I trusted his judgement and did not get a second opinion,I had no idea he was an ego-maniac who"Just loved to operate",it's not what you expect from a man of his supposed stature.Needless to say I am having a 'soft' time with it and it has all but ruined my life,noone's wife should have to go through this and it's taking a real toll on my manhood.Nobody seems willing to address this from a legal standpoint so I guess I'm 'not-screwed'.Back to the point,I have had back pain for years when my adrenaline kicks in and have had pounding ,(worse headache of my life),experiences with attempts at ********** so the Conn's sounds like it may be at least a partial solution.The back pain thing was going on for years before the surgery so not related until now.I encourage anyone reading this to do everything you can to avoid the surgery,I think seeds would have been a better solution for me for the same reason the Dr. 'poo-poohed' them, BECAUSE I was so young.He had said that if I waited too long surgery would be more risky and I would recover more slowly,I guess he forgot that I would enjoy sex for the rest of my life if I approached it from any of the other options.Research your options and trust noone, is the advice I have for newbs,you can't have too much information! Welcome to the Forum, and hope you stay and participate for years to come.