Thanks, Mods. Some of the comments here are embarrassing to other way to put it.
To call someone's deepest held beliefs, or non-beliefs, "mumbo jumbo" and "claptrap" and to accuse them of "cancer vulturism" is over the top, and it's hurtful. Surely there are better ways to deal with these things. We have too much in common to inflict painful words such as those on one another.
I've felt the sting of those words myself (quite unfairly, I thought then, and still do).
The thing is, everyone involved in this dustup is a really valuable contributor to the forum.
I think we all need to re-commit ourselves to tolerance and moderation in our dealings with one another, pay attention to the rules, and keep things civil. Just my two cents.
If you want to delete this comment, you won't hurt my feelings.