Apparently, PC is an individual journey in some regards (from a relatively newbie perspective). To me, this can be both positive and a little lonely. Positive in that even if one of my PC brothers doesn't do too well, that doesn't mean I won't. Lonely because there is no lodestar to follow, no right path that others have trod. Doubly difficult because it hits men right where it hurts - our egos. Man, what a hit! Can't I just get a hard knock that teaches me the same lessons instead of all this? Alas...
I've been on statins because I was diagnosed in my 20's with hereditary hyperlipidemia. I was adopted and have no family history to go by (which sucks, in a way), so it was decided that diet was not the cause of my lipid problems and I should go on drugs to get my numbers down. I started with non-statins first (bile sequestrants), but they didn't do the trick. Then went on to the older statins (Mevacor) and worked my way to a combo of Crestor (very low dose) and Zetia, which is not a statin but works in the gut.
Most of my issues with statins have been in the muscle soreness dept., mostly in my lower back. Nothing major, but some statins really do a number and others, less so. Of course, like anything else, this all depends on the individual.
As for memory loss, I don't think this happens in my case. Not sure...can't really remember.
There may be some of that, but not a huge amount. Though, I have read studies that indicate this. Of this I am quite sure: There are NO pharmaceuticals that are without side-effects. None. As with everything else, we weigh the pro's and con's and decide. In my case, I'd probably be dead of a heart attack or stroke had it not been for the statins, so...
I would advise anyone with age-related high cholesterol to do their best to control it with diet and exercise. Tons of info our there on this.
Best of luck to everyone.