David, I'm a hundred percent sure you had ZERO intention of starting a political row in the other thread, but it's just so darn hard to avoid. Not to be argumentative, but just to explain my reaction to the phrase "the other side: you had already talked about changing the structure of Medicare, taxing the rich more, paying less to the rich because "they're getting such a huge break." These phrases made it pretty clear where your thinking aligns politically. Then, in your next post, you basically faulted "the other side" for using scare tactics and laying a guilt trip about grandchildren being saddled with debt.
Speaking in general terms for those "on the other side", a lot of people have grown weary of being dismissed in those very same terms as wrong-thinking, using scare tactics, and so forth. I'm sure there are similar phrases that people who feel as you do find insulting or denigrating. Left, right, or in between, the issues have become so incredibly serious that it's almot impossible to discuss them without hurting feelings. Every discussion runs the risk of jumping the tracks with the least provocation.
I know what you mean about feeling your vote doesn't count. Much like you, Beth and I live in a state where our candidates don't stand a snowball's chance. It's frustrating, but that's our system.
Especially in an election year, politics is definitely a third rail topic. Here at HW, I'm sure we have members of every conceivable political persuasion, and I hope as we make our way through November we can avoid worrying about political differences and concentrate on dealing instead wth what unites us: a determination to help our HW friends deal with the struggle against prostate cancer and related health issues. Peace to you.