Yes, it is very difficult to control an urge to do something (getting rid of cancer in me), but I am, for the time being, defaulted to AS. I was diagnosed with G6 in three cores out of 14, 20%, 20%, and 10%. Second review still G6, 20%, 10%, and 5%, with an additional sample catagorized at ASAP. I initially wanted to go for surgery right away, but both my first and second Uros said that AS is definitely an option for me (I am 58 yrs old). I was surprised that AS is an option for such a young person
. If fact, my first Uro suggested AS as my treatment (no treatment), my second Uro, a surgeon, cited a 15-year study showing no difference in life expectancy between AS and active treatements but he also added that AS is just delaying an ineviatble
. My first PSA after the biopsy is coming up in early November (3.6 prior to biopsy). I am delaying my decsion to treat till then. If my PSA stays pretty much in the same range, I will probably continue defaulting to AS till another PSA (every three months).