Hi All
I am 69 years old, had surgery in March 2000, Radiation 2006, Hormone Treatment started in April 2008 PSA @ 2.75 by Feb 2009 PSA was 0. The PSA started to rise Oct 2010 0.07, May 2011 0.87, Nov 2011 1.56, May 2012 2.26 Nov 2012 5.6. My Urologist whom i met with yesterday didn't seem alarmed with the doubling of the PSA over a 6 Month period, he advised that my PSA would continue too rise and that he would let it rise to 15 before starting Hormone treatment again. I continue to feel ok and work out at the gym 3 times per week. I would be most intrested in the views of others regarding my situation. Thanks in advance for your imput.