Hey Gasman1,
I'm a data guy. Let me talk you down, too.
I had my first PSA done at 6 weeks and it was 0.04. At 3 months it was <0.01.
I have my PSA done by a Roche Cobas 601 and the lab has decided that they will report anything less than 0.02 as <0.02. That is as low as they will print.
The actual machine has a resolution of 0.003 ! So theoretically you can see 0.003 or 0.006 or 0.009 etc. Unfortunately the temperature of the room affects the readings more than the minimum resolution! Rather than spend the big bucks and waste funds by trying to maintain temperature to the required levels, the lab here has decided to bottom out at <0.02.
I hope this helps.
Hey, if you are still going to take the bridge can I have your tools? I can use a good gas flow meter if you have one.