It took me dozens of phone calls with the manufacturer (my Rx was for a specific model), and several letters with the insurance company, which did not want to pay as "in-network", but finally did.
It was not in a "negative" tone with the manufacturer, but they were constrained by the fact that if they were not going to be paid, my "business" was worthless, so there is a valid reason for both sides to be frustrated with the process. But they did help a lot, and it finally went through after a couple of denials. It took a couple of months.
Everyone made a good point that I could buy something that would work for the same $100 that my deductible cost me, but there were issues of the $100.
- if I paid the $100 to a non-insurance provider, it didn't count against my ultra-high deductible
- at that point I had a lot of time and no discretionary money, so every dollar had to count.
- if I got the Rx version, it has a long-term replacement warranty. The internet version is a toss-when-broken item.
- once the Rx has been filled, a precendent is established, the insurance company considers it durable medical equipment, and I can get a new one as needed without as many paraperwork hassles every couple of years.
So a couple of comments:
- you are early in the process, so there is time to get the pump sorted out.
-did it work? I lost both nerve bundles, so there is no expectation of "success" as we all hope to see, but I did keep Willie from falling off until I got settled in to Trimix. For me it is a rehab tool only. I've never taken the rings out of the package. The same story for Cialis.
- if you are frustrated by this, you are in for quite a ride sorting out medical bills and tests, so calm a few minutes, and use this as a training exercise in dealing with the system. This too shall pass.