Hello Cowgirl, welcome to the forum. Nobody's said that yet, have they? And we're on page two already. Sheesh. We seem to be having an off day. We're usually better than this.
All of this nerdy second guessing of the surgeon and discussions of the relative merits of different kinds of nerve-sparing techniques is fascinating, I am sure, but not, at this point, that helpful. Your boyfriend's status is what it is. His surgery is a done deal.
What we ought to be telling you is that the pumps and injections are not a scam -- they do help, and with a good relationship and a good attitude they can usually be made to work. I currently use both to keep my 'hydraulics' in working order.
There is a pretty good book by a doctor named John Mulhall that talks about
what can be done for a man to continue his sex life after prostate treatments. It is called
Saving Your Sex Life and is a very useful text.
Mulhall also has a couple of videos on YouTube from a lecture he did several years ago. You can watch them for free. Here they are:
youtu.be/OQlGVT7HiF8 part 1 18:33
youtu.be/o7GmTZITJ5s part 2 15:20
youtu.be/ie8NkOu2VNA part 3 31:20
If you click on my name to the left of this message it will take you to my profile page that has an email address that will reach me. I will be glad to answer any questions you might have about
what your boyfriend can expect. Recovery takes time but if he doesn't get too discouraged things
can be made to work again for him, somehow.