Thank you all for the acceptance!
It has been 64 days since my surgery.
I'm doing great on the continence part. Only a drop or two, squirts out when I sneeze or cough hard, if it was unexpected. Most of the time I can control that when I sneeze or cough. I only wear women's "light" (the cheap ones, Dollar General brand) pads for reassurance, and often times I throw unused pads in the trash.
ED is still there, but it is improving. I can climax at every attempt.
I can honestly say that the surgery has been less eventful than I ever thought it would. If not for the ED and the 6 scars on my abdomen I wouldn't even know I had surgery. Even with the catheter in, it was not a problem, and actually, I almost didn't want the catheter removed because of the convenience!
It was very nice sitting in a comfy chair throwing back 4, 5 or more beers and NOT having to get up and go to the toilet! lol
Thanks again everyone!