I realize this may be off topic so I hope it is okay. My wife had a colonoscopy yesterday. For what it is worth, her doctor along with several others have their own operation for such procedures. She was taken back for pre-op and the nurse asked a number of questions (ie medications taken, last meal, etc) but one of the questions caught her off guard. She was asked if she felt safe at home. She answered yes but thought it odd such a question would be asked, especially in this particular instance and
location. I assume she wanted to know if my wife was a victim of domestic violence. My wife has never been asked this question by her family doctor or gynecologist. The more and more I think about
it, I think it was improper for such a question to be asked in this situation. What on earth does a having a colonoscopy have to do with domestic violence? I might understand if the question was coming from her family doctor as he wants to know about
her physical and mental health. So just wondering if any of you have thoughts on this or have been faced with such a question or know of someone who has? Who knows, maybe it's a part of Obamacare as I keep hearing more and more how it is changing everything in ways we never knew. By the way, everything went fine with the procedure. Thanks!