TC-LasVegas said...
The problem with 5ARI drugs is that they make PSA LESS accurate. That is why there may be more high volume advanced cases in the trial arm.
That's my take on it, too. It may tend to mask a useful PSA, but I'm not a researcher, so I can't speak to it any deeper than that.
142 said...
I was watching the morning news show, and there was a segment on HPV vaccination, and how ALL early teen girls MUST BE SCREENED and vaccinated.
Save the young T&A, let the old useless guys die in a hole.
Anybody got a problem figuring out my position?
LOL. All you old geezers are just being difficult. Shut up and eat yer prunes.
Give women PCa at the level of their other maladies and I guarantee you'll hear screaming and cursing.
Add to that the recent campaign to screen EVERYBODY born between '45 and '65 for Hepatitis C. You've seen the billboards and heard the propagan . . . er, commercials.
Interesting times. However, I see the rationale for preventive medicine. Give us a vaccine for PCa and we're all good.
The prostate is simply much harder to treat. You have to root that sucker out without damaging everything around it, or burn it out without scorching useful tissue around it.
It's not like lopping off a couple of breasts and going about
your business, even if Brangelina made the news for it.