hi guys'
I had a regular scheduled apt with my primary care doc today and he told me that my psa was 1.2 (I had my blood work done last Wednesday when I had my follow up and cath removed) so that was 9 days after surgery, they must put everything in the hospital network computer. I have another apt with my uro next Wednesday and will ask him about it then, but I was expecting a lower number. could this just be residual and it will take longer? strangely enough after everything i've been through this last couple weeks i'm not worried about this just more curios.
on another note my uro told me last week to not have sex with my wife for 4 more weeks (like I could)he said to give my incisions time to heal, but he went on to tell me to go it alone to keep the blood flowing down there, so after a couple of attempts over the last week I took things to completion last night for the first time, what a great feeling! it felt almost the same but not as intense it felt like something was coming out but nothing did, don't get me wrong I've still got a ways to go (it was only about at 3/4 staff).
I never would have dreamed I would be writing this on the internet 6 months ago.