I am 72 years old. 12 years ago i was diagnosed with PC with a gleason 9. I had my prostate and all surrounding tissue and nerves removed by Dr. Olsson out of Columbia Pres in NY.
For most of the 12 years my PSA was range bound in the 2-3 area, but recently over the past 2 years its starting to move. My doctor has maintained that when it gets over 5, (now 5.3), we will most likely need to begin hormone therapy.
I've lived a mostly normal (ex sex) life these past 12 years, quality of life has been fantastic. Doctors say that I've been very lucky that my PSA stayed low over these 12 years.
Now i'm terrified at the though of hormone therapy. Doctor is sending me for scans and then wants to re look at PSA in January, most likely we will begin therapy then. He tells me that they want to wait for the last possible moment before the cancer hits my bones...though they really don't know when that will be.
I never go on these types of forums, and generally think i have gotten good advice from the folks at columbia presb, i wanted to throw this out to the community to see what people think. Should i do the hormone therapy or not..