Tall Allen said...
I can see why you're in shock -- it is very rare to receive a "high risk" diagnosis at the age of only 47. The tallness may have something to do with it, as it has been found to be associated with prostate cancer. Researchers are looking at somatostatin, the growth hormone antagonist, as a possible part of the treatment someday.
You are quite right to get a second opinion on the biopsy slides. However, with that much cancer identified, he is likely to remain at high risk. You'll know a lot more after the CT and bone scans.
The treatment for high risk patients is highly controversial and is evolving. I hope both of you will be able to take this one day at a time.
Choice of a good doctor is very important now. You may want a team consisting of a urologist, a radiation oncologist and a urologic oncologist. Many of the best doctors are at tertiary cancer care facilities, but some are in private practice. If you want to share with us where you are and your ability to travel, we might have some recommendations.
- Allen
More anecdotal evidenced on tall and PCa. Good friend who stands about
6'6" recently diagnosed G7- can't remember 3+4 or 4+3 but had surgery since he was beyond the proactive surveillance window. So far doing fine.
Concur with TA's advice on medical team, and would keep the cardiologist in the loop if he goes on Lupron.