ARangel14 said...
... but main concern now after rereading path report is the PNI and the risk that the cancer is outside of the prostate. From what I am reading it is usually always an indicator that the cancer is not contained.
No, PNI is not "...usually always an indicator that the cancer is not contained."
A Yooper's comments are solid, however, and in general PNI presence nearly doubles the likelihood (the statistical probability) of T3 disease (tumors that have broken through the capsule). This does not, however, mean "usually always." The literature is, in fact, a bit inconsistent on the affect of PNI, and in some cases it's unclear whether it was PNI, or the generally higher grade cancers (which your husband does not have) which have led to recurrence.
Here's a simple-to-read description of PNI considerations: