Hello d2 and welcome. Sorry you have to be here but you will find lots of support on this site as well as educated men and women who can help you.
One thing I can suggest right away is to check out the sticky thread at the top of our forum that is designed for newly diagnosed patients:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=35&m=2652250Next, you might consider creating a signature (done in the profile section). There you can include things like your age, PSA, G score, number and % of positive samples, etc. This will allow us to have a reference point as you post on this and other threads.
I will second Allen's suggestion to get another opinion on your biopsy slides. The experts he mentioned are highly qualified.
There are many options for treatment of your cancer...you may want to investigate IMRT, LDR brachytherapy, HDR brachytherapy, SBRT or a combination of these. It will be CRITICAL to get whatever treatment you decide upon done by a very experienced doctor...that means hundreds of prior patients.
Stick with us and please ask any and all questions you may have.