I told my doctor immediately after the gave me my bio results that my back had started hurting / aching a couple years ago; and my primary doctor x-rayed it and said I had moderate arthritis and prescribed Mobic, but my orthopedic doctor x-rayed it just about
six months ago and said it looked really perfect.
The urologist said he'd order me a bone scan, and they called today and said they have one set up for Friday.
Would you go ahead to the appt.? I've read that's a very rare chance. I assume my insurance will pay for it and I have pretty good savings/income anyway if it doesn't. It wouldn't hurt otherwise, right?
Sorry for all the questions. I've only told my wife, two sons, boss, and two of my three sisters about this so not many to talk to. My parents are alive but my dad has been through six major cancer surgeries and I don't want him feeling any guilt or remorse for me.